Saturday 6 May 2017

Final Creative Report Piece & Evaluation

The video is essentially a mockup of how I envisioned the interactive billboard to look and work, every time that someone taps the board a new question would appear and tap again for a the corresponding answer. Although this output wouldn't necessarily appeal to everyone passing by, those who are designers or that maybe are interested in that field of work may be interested enough to read more into the interview the same as you typically would with a book interview.

When asked for feedback on my final creative report a few comments included:

"The way it's displayed as texts makes a lot of sense to me, it creates the personal touch that you get from texting a friend or family member"

"I like how you displayed it as a billboard advertisement given his job role, but I don't think it's something that many people would interact with. Often people will go out of their way to read an interview in a book or online, but not many would do the same on their way to work or waiting in a bus stop".

"I think this is something that you could have potentially taking further and created an animation of maybe in After Effects or something alike"

My creative report is something I think could have been stronger as a final piece, although the interview itself covers quite a few areas of interest to most designers such as portfolio, internships and the overall creative process, the output could have been more considered. As the feedback mentioned the visual output makes logical sense and is well justified but I feel that it could have been taken further and had another step further to the interactive side of it, giving it more purpose, potentially a more fun side to it.

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