Friday, 2 February 2018

A talk by Abraham from The Pop Up Agency (Creative Convos)

Abraham from the Pop Up Agency came to visit as the final speaker, rounding off the week-long of conversations from industry professionals. He co-founded a unique studio that specialises in travelling the world, solving briefs in an allotted time of 48 hours only. He and his team initially started this out in university as a challenge for them to visit 15 cities, in 15 weeks to complete 15 briefs, a hefty one but they managed it. Although to most this seemed daunting and not doable he said he had to have the stubborn mentality to see it through regardless of who questioned them.

During his talk he gave a few bits of advice for us:

- Always split the cost that you give to your client down into three sections. 33% for salary, 33% for expenses and 33% for savings.
- As a result, never undercharge!
- Finding a mentor for guidance is essential, this will help you develop into a better person and designer.
- To revisit goals regularly and in doing so your achievements will never become outdated.
- Most importantly people in his studio don
't have roles - everyone is there to evolve and grow. Not to be stuck in one particular role.

- Democratise creativity - Everyone is creative!

The key takeaway from this talk though was his approach to tackling briefs in such a short period of time. His effective method is to:

1. Empty your mind of ideas; go for quantity not quality.
2. Next within a group, write down an one single idea on a piece of paper individually.
3. Move around the table clockwise and attempt to develop more of each idea atleast 3 times.

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