Friday 4 May 2018

Thoughts on my PPP Presentation

Presenting is always something that scares the sh*t out of me; I've never really been the confident, stand up and speak type. But in all honesty, the past three years of doing PPP presentations has only given me confidence in, not just my public speaking ability, but also my work. Having to talk about my own work in front of 15-20 people is daunting. 

Regardless, out of nowhere, this year around I felt much more confident even without notes... somehow. I feel like the presentation flowed well and went to plan. This, coupled with the positive feedback I received, has massively boosted my confidence with speaking in public.


A good balance of floating your own boat and showing the work to prove it. Sometimes it's easy to show too much work or do the opposite and talk too much about it and not show much at all.

"It was nice to see your branding staying consistent throughout each slide"

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