Monday 29 February 2016

OUGD402: CMYK Fine Art Exhibition

CMYK Exhibition

This exhibition was collated and installed by the first year fine art students and what an installation it was. The range of styles of work and the effort put into some of the pieces of work was amazing to see.

More than anything it was nice to be able to see and appreciate work that wasn't graphic design based, especially work that is so far from graphic design on the spectrum of art and design.

All of it was hands on, whether a painting, sculpture or compilation of various materials, visually it was massively different to what I'm used to seeing on a regular basis.

It was also different to see work that for the most part was all down to interpretation and didn't necessarily have an underlying concept or idea, like much of graphic design is.

The more and more exhibitions I visit, the more it drives me to want to at some point put on my own exhibition or collaborate with others to exhibit some of our work from our course. I think it would be good to be able to share our ideas with others and allow for other courses to experience the same as I did visiting this exhibition.

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