Saturday, 27 February 2016

OUGD402: Battle of the Burger @ Canal Mills

The 26th Feb marked a special day for us burger lovers, it meant we got to indulge in a range of burgers, all the while getting drunk and socialising in the process.

Nothing to see here, just Tom admiring the meat
Aside from the usual exhibition visits and such it was nice to be in an environment where everyone was there for the same reason and that reason not being to admire artwork, although I guess in someway burger making is an art in itself.

#1 - Longhorns
Unfortunately, I (stupidly) only got a picture of one burger I had but this was without a doubt the best. Beef and hog patty with brisket, jack cheese, bacon and some form of sauce, essentially just a big pile of sloppy grease, but a bloody good one at that.

#2 - Get Baked's Cleveland Steamer
Although I didn't photograph the final product, this one consisted of colslaw, onion ring, pulled pork, beef patty, cheese and smoked chorizo. A good contestant but unfortunately not even close to my personal winner, I think I'll stick to the chicken biftas.

Was also nice to have a range of DJ's on throughout the nice playing a bit of jazzy, chilled out music.

It's a shame that this only happens once a year because it's definitely something that should be done more frequently, even if it isn't just burgers, another food event of some sort a few times a year would be greatly appreciated.

All in all, an enjoyable night, I mean night filled with music, burgers and booze, it doesn't really get much better than that as Matt clearly illustrates below..

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