Monday, 29 February 2016

OUGD402: CMYK Fine Art Exhibition

CMYK Exhibition

This exhibition was collated and installed by the first year fine art students and what an installation it was. The range of styles of work and the effort put into some of the pieces of work was amazing to see.

More than anything it was nice to be able to see and appreciate work that wasn't graphic design based, especially work that is so far from graphic design on the spectrum of art and design.

All of it was hands on, whether a painting, sculpture or compilation of various materials, visually it was massively different to what I'm used to seeing on a regular basis.

It was also different to see work that for the most part was all down to interpretation and didn't necessarily have an underlying concept or idea, like much of graphic design is.

The more and more exhibitions I visit, the more it drives me to want to at some point put on my own exhibition or collaborate with others to exhibit some of our work from our course. I think it would be good to be able to share our ideas with others and allow for other courses to experience the same as I did visiting this exhibition.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

OUGD402: Battle of the Burger @ Canal Mills

The 26th Feb marked a special day for us burger lovers, it meant we got to indulge in a range of burgers, all the while getting drunk and socialising in the process.

Nothing to see here, just Tom admiring the meat
Aside from the usual exhibition visits and such it was nice to be in an environment where everyone was there for the same reason and that reason not being to admire artwork, although I guess in someway burger making is an art in itself.

#1 - Longhorns
Unfortunately, I (stupidly) only got a picture of one burger I had but this was without a doubt the best. Beef and hog patty with brisket, jack cheese, bacon and some form of sauce, essentially just a big pile of sloppy grease, but a bloody good one at that.

#2 - Get Baked's Cleveland Steamer
Although I didn't photograph the final product, this one consisted of colslaw, onion ring, pulled pork, beef patty, cheese and smoked chorizo. A good contestant but unfortunately not even close to my personal winner, I think I'll stick to the chicken biftas.

Was also nice to have a range of DJ's on throughout the nice playing a bit of jazzy, chilled out music.

It's a shame that this only happens once a year because it's definitely something that should be done more frequently, even if it isn't just burgers, another food event of some sort a few times a year would be greatly appreciated.

All in all, an enjoyable night, I mean night filled with music, burgers and booze, it doesn't really get much better than that as Matt clearly illustrates below..

OUGD402: Lord Whitney Studio Visit

Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit the Lord Whitney studio based in Leeds. They're a team of creatives lead by Amy Lord & Rebekah Whitney, who focus mainly on set design and all things hands on.

They began with a talk into them and how they came about creating the studio within the first place. It was interesting to see how long, creating something such as this, takes to form because although on the face of it, it looks easy to set up, it's not always as simple as it looks. Money, space and time can become very limiting but not necessarily in a bad way, it can force you to become more creative with building and making things rather than just buying stuff you need, using scrap materials, second hand paint etc. which is ultimately how they ended up with the unique and creative studio they have today.

Cosy Sitting Area Featuring Kieran's Cheeky Grin

Both Amy and Rebekah were unbelievably enthusiastic about, not just their work, but everything really. They spoke a lot about just getting out there both you physically but also your work, going to events, exhibitions etc. which means it gives you a chance to potentially get new clients simply through talking to people.

Snazzy bar/kitchen area

I honestly think that the talk they gave was very inspirational, it put things into perspective and gave me a sense how things work within the real world of design. Showing how not everything is as straight forward as it seems and not everything will be handed to you on a plate, you actually have to go out and make things happen yourself.

One thing I'm definitely going to aim to do within the future, is go to more events, exhibitions, lectures etc. just so that I can talk with more creatives like Amy and Rebekah who will hopefully inspire me even more. But also to gain useful knowledge and to get myself and my work out there.

Selection of displayed work around the studio

Humble Motivation
within the Studio