Friday, 10 February 2017

Footprint Talk @ LCA

Footprint are a ecological printing company based in Leeds that have a huge focus on being as environmentally friendly as possible. They are a workers cooperative that means the business is owned by the workers which makes it almost like a tight nit community where they can control what they print, their wages etc. creating equality between them. A couple of ways that they keep things simple and ecological is by using only recycled stock and also sustainable inks and by only distributing within the UK they are keeping their carbon footprint to a minimum.

It's interesting to see a company that focuses so much on their ethics and environmental footprint, especially as they're in an industry where this is key considering how much paper printing companies use on a daily basis.

The work they choose to do for clients is entirely chosen by them, if they feel it's an unethical topic, e.g. homophobic, racist etc. they'll refuse their work so it's nice to see a company with a set of values that they stick by. Something else they do is tour around the UK to print festivals and with them they take their printing equipment so that they can collate work from lots of different people and print it all within a magazine which they refer to as a 'zine in a day'.

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