Thursday, 28 January 2016

OUGD402: Self Branding (Research & Inspiration)

To begin this brief I started to look into current examples of self branding that I thought stood out to me as creative and visually engaging. This was mainly achieved through not only their unique style of self branding but the colour scheme used, something that’s different to the conventional monochrome colour scheme.

Using different materials and a range of colours is something that would normally interests me to look more into someone simply because of their branding.

A lot of branding that I’ve come across all blends into one another simply due to the lack of colour and varied style.

Although it’s aesthetically pleasing and well produced pieces of branding, I don’t think it allows for the person to stand out against the crowd.

With my branding I want to harness aspects of some brands such as the tongue and cheek side of it in the hope to bring out some of my character within it. This will hopefully interest people more into enquiring about me, the same as it would for me with other branding.

Different formats of branding is something I looked at. Given that first impressions mean a lot, especially when business cards are generally only glanced at for a matter of seconds, I wanted an impactful first impression.

Something that inspired me for one of my ideas was the hello my name is stickers that are often seen within films to introduce employees to customers. I thought that this would be a much more casual and approachable way to introduce myself to people.

I thought by adapting this idea and maybe using the word yo instead would be better suited to me given it’s a greeting word I use on a regular basis as opposed to the usual hello, hi etc.

I stumbled across another piece of branding that inspired an idea. The idea being to incorporate a visual part of me within my branding, maybe an accessory that is a part of my overall look or maybe a style of clothing I wear, whether that be vintage, minimal etc.

Having a logo that does use a visual from you allows for the branding to be instantly recognisable as you and makes it distinguishable from other identities.

This gave my the idea to possibly include my glasses into my branding, creating an ambiguous branding as my glasses as the visual, intriguing people into looking further into my brand.

Another thought following on from this was to potentially mix these two ideas together, which would serve the purpose of both greeting the person but also creating an ambiguous visual to the front of a business card.